Understanding as a Strategy against Disinformation

An Outline for a Communicative Hermeneutics in Professional Journalism


  • Lucía Ballesteros-Aguayo Universidad de Sevilla
  • Juan Francisco Gutiérrez Lozano Universidad de Málaga




hermeneutics, communication, post-truth, disinformation, journalism


In the information society, the profusion of electronic devices, the speed of evolution towards new communicative forms and the convergence of transmedia narrative produce a revolution in media communication. Therefore, it is necessary to reorient decision-making in the design of quality journalistic practice. This paper is an attempt to develop an approach of the hermeneutics of understanding to the communicative reality through three essential elements in media communication: language, authority (including scientific authority and journalistic specialties) and context. The implementation of the hermeneutic method in Communication Sciences might well address an important approach. This fact involves the journalistic profession from a transdisciplinary and plurimethodological orientation. In addition to this, communication professionals provide discursive tools so as to address disinformation as a phenomenon derived from a broader problem installed in our society such as post-truth.


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How to Cite

Ballesteros-Aguayo, L., & Gutiérrez Lozano, J. F. (2021). Understanding as a Strategy against Disinformation: An Outline for a Communicative Hermeneutics in Professional Journalism. Monograma. Revista Iberoamericana De Cultura Y Pensamiento, (8), 79–102. https://doi.org/10.36008/monograma.2021.08.1810