La justicia como virtud


  • Màrius Morlans Molina Médico nefrólogo. Miembro del Comité de Bioética de Catalunya. 



Justice, Interpersonal relationship, Virtue, Common good, Equality


The bioethical thought has introduced two essential ethical principles: respect for persons and justice. 

The principle of respect has transformed the clinical relationship and health research, ensuring informed consent and protecting the rights of participants in biomedical research. In Spain, the recent euthanasia law strengthens individual autonomy in decisions about one's own life and health. However, while the principle of respect is tangible and directly experienced by citizens, justice is perceived as abstract and distant.

Justice, as described by Diego Gracia, is broken down into: justification of the life project (personal perfection), shared social value (respect for the life projects of others), theoretical elaboration (different types of justice: distributive, retributive, commutative), and practical experience (application of theories to reality and justice as a virtue).

Aristotle considers justice as the supreme virtue, essential for eudaimonia or happiness, as it includes and requires all other virtues. Justice manifests in coexistence and becomes concrete in the exemplary conduct of individuals who promote the common good. In personal and social relationships, equitable justice and dignity are crucial, although justice often remains more abstract compared to respect and autonomy.

Justice must be integrated into everyday life and personal behavior as a virtue, promoting fair and equitable treatment in society. Thus, dignity and justice are intertwined as foundations of a morally and socially valuable life.


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How to Cite

Morlans Molina, M. (2024). La justicia como virtud. Prueba, 4(1), 1–18.



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