Ethical Declaration

Monograma shows its commitment to the academic community by guaranteeing the ethics and quality of the articles published in it. It declares its commitment to the respect and integrity of the works already published, protecting and respecting both the content of the articles and their integrity. If a text is identified as plagiarism or its content as fraudulent, it will be deleted or not published. The authors agree to respect this rule and must guarantee that the article and the materials associated with it are original or do not infringe any copyrights; therefore, they will be duly referenced and treated with academic rigour, following the citation and reference standards specified by the journal. The authors commit themselves to their text not been presented or published previously in another means of dissemination. In addition to this, the authors must justify, in the case of a shared authorship, that there was a full consensus of all the authors involved, and that it has not been presented or published previously in another means of dissemination.

Monograma follows the stated procedure of assessment and review by means of the system of blind peers. It has a system of article selection based on the review of articles by (anonymous and peer) external reviewers, following criteria based exclusively on the scientific relevance of the article, and the originality, clarity and relevance of the submitted work. In compliance with these good practices, Monograma guarantees at all times the confidentiality of the review process, the anonymity of the evaluators and the authors, the reviewed content, the reasoned report issued by the evaluators, and any other communication issued by the Scientific Committee, if appropriate. Likewise, the confidentiality will be maintained regarding any possible clarifications, claims or complaints that an author wishes to send to the journal committees or to the reviewers of the article.

  1. Journal policies regarding authorship and contribution

The reviewers help the editors in making editorial decisions and they can assist the author (s) in the improvement of the manuscript through the communication of the editors with the authors.

  1. Complaints and appeals.

The editors will establish grievance and complaint mechanisms against the published contents. The editors commit to investigating these accusations and following up on the revision or retraction processes, if necessary.

  1. Journal policies on conflicts of interest / interests in conflict

The editors commit to refusing to participate in the review or any other editorial process in the event that they may have a conflict of interest with the submitted work because of its competitive, collaborative or any other relationship or connection with any of the authors or institutions linked to the submitted manuscript. In these cases, the editors in question must request other co-editors, associate editors or the Scientific Committee to assume the responsibilities inherent to their function.

  1. Journal policy on ethical supervision

If the editors suspect, during the verification of the work’s authenticity, that it does not respect the legal requirements regarding the book and the copyright, or plagiarism, they should inform the author (s). If there are any potential conflicts of interest that may have influenced the results or interpretations of the results in the work presented, the authors must include information about them in their work.

  1. Policy of the journal on intellectual property

The authors agree that both the research presented in the manuscript and the text itself are original. The authorship of the work must be attributed to those who have developed the research on which the work presented is based. Neither the editors nor any of the editorial staff will disclose the content or any other information related to the manuscripts submitted for consideration, except the author (s) themselves, the reviewers, the potential reviewers, and, in some circumstances, those individuals responsible for the journal’s Scientific Committee.

  1. Corrections after the publication

Monograma declares its commitment to the integrity of the published works. The editors will edit as quickly as possible any published data or information that be recognized as erroneous, deceptive or fraudulent after its publication. The editors will inform the author (s) of these circumstances and will wait for a response from the author (s) before taking any editorial decision. If the editors are not satisfied or if the response is not given, they may decide to retract what was published, once the decision is ratified by the Scientific Committee.