From Value Chain to Complex Adaptive Systems in Creative and Cultural Industries


  • Gerardo D. Neugovsen Universidad ESEADE (Buenos Aires)



creative and cultural industries, entrepreneurship, complexity theory, network theory, complex adaptative systems, microeconomics


The main characteristics of the Creative and Cultural Industries are analysed as a complex adaptive system. Its behaviour can be explained following the Network Theory, in contrast to the commonly used concept of productive chain or value chain. The focus of the paper is on the question: what is the dynamic relationship between the creative and cultural industries and the rest of the economy? It is understood that the creative and cultural industries are made up of a complex network of individuals and organizations, characterized by a direct or indirect connection with cultural and creative activity, but in turn these same actors are dynamically linked with others industries, which are not necessarily creative or cultural. But those interactions are essential for their effective operation, even when many of those actors are not usually included when the creative and cultural sector is analysed. Multiple interactions are created in several levels forming a complex network, which will be analysed in this text. As a result of this analysis, it is possible to map and further understand the dynamic relationships that are established between the multiple and various intervening stakeholders.


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How to Cite

Neugovsen, G. D. (2021). From Value Chain to Complex Adaptive Systems in Creative and Cultural Industries. Monograma. Revista Iberoamericana De Cultura Y Pensamiento, (9).