The Intangible Philosophical Heritage of Averroes’s Work


  • Agustín Sánchez Cotta Universidad de Córdoba



immaterial heritage, philosophical heritage, Averroes, axiology, cultural tourism


VIDEO: Philosophy as Intangible Heritage and the Case of Averroes

Philosophy is non-material humanity heritage due to being relevance on its totality and interdependent to material heritage: their works and places of thinking. Philosophical authors could be heritage elements of a specific culture if they respond to an appreciative set of values. This work applies the axiology of Pumarola (2016), the historical, manufacture and singular values extended with the value of the classic; to determine the heritage elements of the Averroes’s thought, which then would be: the Neoplatonism as historical frame of thought, his life and relationship with philosophy, his main philosophical themes (the double path to truth, the eternity of existence, and the intellect of mankind) following the guidance of Guerrero Román (1985) and Martínez Lorca (2015) on this; finally, the survival and relevancy since his passing till our days. The paper sums the importance of this research on extending the philosophical praxis to new social places, and a reflection upon the role of philosophy in culture.


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How to Cite

Sánchez Cotta, A. (2021). The Intangible Philosophical Heritage of Averroes’s Work. Monograma. Revista Iberoamericana De Cultura Y Pensamiento, (10), 119–142.