Post-truth in the Age of the Digital Panopticon


  • Carlos Hernández Domínguez Universidad de Sevilla



post-truth, digital panopticon, psychopolitics, neoliberalism, big data


We are living in a world where the fictional character has been introduced in our lives. Fantasy and reality converge in the same framework: the fake news. Post-truth in these kinds of notices do echo through the social media used like psychopolitics methods. Neoliberalism uses these tools thanks to big data with the objective of fragmenting the information and, also, the truth. Our postmodern condition has been one of the elements, also the development of computing science, that gives rise to this situation in which truth is not important. We move to search affects, reactions, likes; in the information era the most important is the emotion, rationality is not.


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How to Cite

Hernández Domínguez, C. (2021). Post-truth in the Age of the Digital Panopticon. Monograma. Revista Iberoamericana De Cultura Y Pensamiento, (8), 207–223.