Notes for a Crisis


  • María Carrillo Espinos Université de Franche-Comté



Crisis, Wisdom about the Soul, Mysticism, Job, Antigone


This article is dedicated to an early essay by the Andalusian philosopher María Zambrano entitled La vida en crisis (1942). The aim of this analysis is to examine the clues offered by the author on the definition of a crisis and the possible way out of it. In order to outline a fuller picture of her thought, relationships will be established with other texts from the same period included in her book Hacia un saber sobre el alma (1950). In the same way, we will see the continuity of these thoughts in mature texts such as El hombre y lo divino (1955), La tumba de Antígona (1967), and Los bienaventurados (1990). These texts all together open the hypothesis that for the Andalusian writer the way out of a crisis is a consequence of the recovery of what she calls «saber sobre el alma» (wisdom about the soul). That is, only after building a space for inner reflection, in the terms specified by the author, is it possible to go through a period of crisis in a serene manner.


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How to Cite

Carrillo Espinos, M. . (2020). Notes for a Crisis. Monograma. Revista Iberoamericana De Cultura Y Pensamiento, (7), 269–289.