María Zambrano and the Literary Genres

A Reading for the Present


  • Patricia Palomar Galdón Centro Universitario Internacional de Barcelona



Zambrano, Ortega y Gasset, Literary Genre, Confession, Poetic Reason


This article aims to carry out a reflection on the notion of literary genre in the philosopher María Zambrano. Specifically, it is a reflection on the implication of literary gender in her philosophy and, consequently, in our historic present. Thus, an analysis of this notion will be carried out, taking into account its possible origin in José Ortega y Gasset, Zambrano’s teacher, and it will consider its most characteristic features.


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How to Cite

Palomar Galdón, P. . (2020). María Zambrano and the Literary Genres: A Reading for the Present. Monograma. Revista Iberoamericana De Cultura Y Pensamiento, (7), 251–268.