De numerae animi. Orphic and Pythagorean Footprints in Vasconcelos and Zambrano


  • Lorena Grigoletto Università degli studi di Napoli Federico II / Universidad de Sevilla



Orphism, Phytagorism, Rhythm, Melody, Harmony, Hispanism


In the perspective of an unprecedented dialogue between the Mexican philosopher José Vasconcelos and the Spanish philosopher María Zambrano, this article seeks to trace, by exploring theoretical issues and implications, the terms and modalities of development of a curious renaissance of orphism and pythagorism in the Spanish-speaking philosophical context between the 19th and 20th centuries. In fact, from a historical-philosophical research based on the context and theoretical assumptions of this renaissance, which identifies in the link between modernism and pythagorism an essential factor and involves important cultural and metaphilosophical issues, the work continues with a more markedly theoretical and semiotic analysis on the specific themes of the two authors, both convinced of the «pythagorean» or «orphic-pythagorean» character of their own reflection, to finally attempt a comparison. It is in this perspective that concepts of musical derivation such as «rhythm», «melody» and «harmony» mark the fundamental stages and modus operandi of consciousness, redefining ethically and aesthetically its relationship with the world and its political of these terms and in the reception of the «orphic» and «pythagorean» tradition imply a political incompatibility between the two thinkers and opposing positions in particular with regard to the relationship between man and the divine.
value. However, the important differences in the conception


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How to Cite

Grigoletto, L. . (2020). De numerae animi. Orphic and Pythagorean Footprints in Vasconcelos and Zambrano . Monograma. Revista Iberoamericana De Cultura Y Pensamiento, (7), 205–228.