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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  • The submission file is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, or RTF document file format.
  • Where available, URLs for the references have been provided.
  • The text is single-spaced; uses a 12-point font; employs italics, rather than underlining (except with URL addresses); and all illustrations, figures, and tables are placed within the text at the appropriate points, rather than at the end.
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines.

Author Guidelines


The submitted works must be original and unpublished. Works in Spanish, Portuguese and English are accepted. All collaborations will be evaluated through the peer-to-peer blind system.

The journal will accept humanistic works of scholarly nature on any aspect related to Ibero-American culture on either side of the Atlantic: literature, art, cinema, creation, thought, cultural studies, history of culture.

Publishing in Monograma does not imply any costs to the authors. It does not imply any type of cost for the processing, sending or publication in the journal.

Rules for sending research papers and articles

Submitted research papers and articles must follow the following style rules:

  • The length must be between a minimum of 24,000 characters and a maximum of 40,000 characters (including spaces)
  • Works in MS Word format will be accepted
  • Neither bold nor underlined styles are allowed
  • Title: Garamond, size 20, aligned to the left
  • Below the title:
    • Full name of the author in capital letters.
    • Institution to which the author belongs (in lowercase)
    • Author’s email
  • Below the author’s data:
    • Summary in Spanish
    • Five keywords in Spanish
    • Summary in English
    • Five keywords in English
  • Line spacing: Simple
  • First line indention: 0.5 cm
  • Default margins in the text program
  • Body of the text: Garamond, size 12, aligned to the left
  • Section heading: Garamond, size 12, small caps, aligned to the left
  • Second degree section heading: Garamond, size 12, lowercase italics, aligned to the left
  • Inverted commas for main citations in the body of the text: « »; secondary citations within them: “ ”
  • Inverted commas for meaning: ‛ ’
  • Those quotes exceeding three lines should appear as a separate paragraph, aligned to the left, size 11, indented 2 cm.
  • Abbreviated citation system will be used. Examples:
    • Author cited in the text: (Cervantes 1605: 33)
    • Author cited in the text: Alonso (1954: 54-57)
  • Footnote calls: numbering restarted on each page, number in superscript
  • Footnotes: Garamond, size 10, aligned to the left
  • Latinisms and foreign words: italics must be used

Rules for references and bibliography

Bibliographic references (Garamond, 12) will be listed at the end of the text, preceded by the heading “References” (Garamond, 12, small caps, indenture 1.5 cm).

NOTE: Complementary information only appears between keys { }, when there is any.

NOTE 2: Use standard abbreviations when citing references.

– Monographies: Surnames, Given name {and Given name plus Surnames of another author} (Year of publication). Title. {Ed. / Trad / Intr.. / Prol. by Given Name Surnames.} {Edition Year (1ª ed.).} Place of publicación: Publisher.

  • Example: Atencia, María Victoria (2000). Antología poética. Pról. de Francisco González Pedraza y Julio César Jiménez. Málaga: Ateneo de Málaga.
  • Example with two authors: García Baena, Pablo y Alejandro Duque (1998). En recuerdo de Vicente Aleixandre. Sevilla: Consejería de Cultura, Centro Andaluz de las Letras.

– Collective works: Surnames, Given name {and Given name plus Surnames of another author} (ed.) / (dir.) / (coord.) (Year of publication). Title. {(1ª/ … ed.).} Place of publication: Publisher.

  • Example: Stam, Robert, Robert Burgoyne y Sandy Flitterman-Lewis (eds.) (1998). Nuevos conceptos de la teoría del cine: estructuralismo, semiótica, narratología, psicoanálisis, intertextualidad. Barcelona: Paidós.

– When there are several publications by the same author, they will be listed in chronological order. If they were published in the same year, a letter in alphabetical order will be added to the year.

– Book chapters: Surnames, Given name {and Given name plus Surnames of another author} (Year of publication).  «Chapter title». In Title. {Ed./ Trad./ Pról./ Intr. by Given Name Surnames.} {(1ª/… ed.).} Place of publication: Publisher, {vol. x,} p./pp. xx-xx.

  • Example: Kushner, Eva (1998). «Hacia una tipología de los estudios de literatura comparada». En Orientaciones en literatura comparada. D. Romero López (ed.). Madrid: Arco/libros, pp. 187-198.

– Journal article: Surnames, Given name {and Given name plus Surnames of another author} (Year of publication).  «Article’s title». Journal’s name, year, {vol. x } n. x, p./pp. xx-xx.

  • Example: Pérez Bowie, José Antonio (2007). «Notas sobre las categorías de espacio teatral y espacio cinematográfico». Las puertas del drama: revista de la Asociación de Autores de Teatro, no. 30, pp. 22-27.

– Articles in electronic journals: Surnames, Given name {and Given name plus Surnames of another author} (Year of publication).  « Article’s title ». Journal’s name, year, {vol. x } n. x, p./pp. xx-xx. <URL address=»»> [Date retrieved].</address>

– Web page: {Surname, Given name.} (Year of publication). «Text’s title». Web page’s name. {Institution or business.} {Day month.} < URL address=»»> [Date retrieved].</dirección>

– Newspaper article: Surnames, Given name {and Given name plus Surnames of another author} (Year of publication). «Article’s title». Newspaper’s title. Day month.

  • Example: Núñez, Vicente y Andrés Fernández Rubio (1989). «Lo mío es la cal y el error». El País. 16 May.

– Cinematographic item: Surnames, Given name (dir./…) (Year of publication). Title. Distributor. Storage medium.

  • Example: Mankiewicz, Joseph L. (dir.) (1950) Eva al desnudo. 20th Century Fox. DVD.

– Audio item: Performer’s Surnames, Given name (Year of publication). Title. Record label. Storage medium.

  • Example: Bowie, David (1974). Diamond dogs. EMI Records. Vinyl.

– Artwork: Surnames, Given name / Group (Year of publication). Title. City/Town: institution that holds it. Composition / Material.

  • Example: Richter, Gerhard (1966). Ema. Colonia: Museo Ludwig. Óleo sobre lienzo.

When articles and books have assigned a DOI number, it must be noted after the bibliographic information, in a hyperlink format. 

  • Example: Castro, I. y Kerfa, S. (2019). «La experiencia de una reversibilidad (video) poética: Dionisio Cañas o el cortocircuito transgresivo». Monograma. Revista Iberoamericana de Cultura y Pensamiento, no 4 Dionisio Cañas. Vida, Poesía, Arte y Pensamiento, pp. 69-93. [Date retrieved] doi: 10.36008/monograma.191.04.255652

The tool Simple Text Query of Crossref  allows to check if a bibliographical reference has a DOI or not, via the following link:

Guidelines for book and article reviews

The length must be between 4,000 and 9,000 characters (including spaces). The complete reference of the reviewed book or article must be provided. The text’s style must be:  Garamond, size 12, aligned to the left.

Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.