Determinantes sociales de la Salud y enfermedades prevalentes.

De la epidemiología a la práctica diaria en una consulta de Atención Primaria.


  • Pablo Pérez Solís AUTHOR



Public Health, Primary Health Care, Social Medicine, Social Determinants of Health


The models of social determinants of health have been part of Public Health strategies for decades and should be a fundamental element in health systems orientation. Over time, various epidemiological studies have shown the relationship of social determinants with prevalent diseases, so it is necessary to reduce the gap between this approach and the clinical practice of health professionals. In this article we will try to point out the importance of applying a vision of determinants in addressing health problems from the health organization to the individual consultation.


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How to Cite

Pérez Solís, P. (2019). Determinantes sociales de la Salud y enfermedades prevalentes.: De la epidemiología a la práctica diaria en una consulta de Atención Primaria . Prueba, (13), 1–18.