Escoger el morir
De la muerte acompañada a la muerte planificada
End of life, Euthanasia, Suicide, AutoethnographyAbstract
The text reflects about the impact of Spain's Euthanasia Law (LORE) on the role of the physician and on society. The author examines how the law requires medical professionals to reconsider their practices, adapting not only to new techniques and medications but also to the need to speak openly about death. The approval of the LORE is compared to the implementation of palliative care in the 1990s, which transformed the end-of-life care.
The author shares personal experiences illustrating the challenges of accompanying people in terminal illness and the emotional difficulties involved in dealing situations like suicide or euthanasia. He recalls how he was perceived as an "unusual doctor" because of his focus on caring for those deemed incurable, and how society, influenced by the Christian tradition, has historically condemned suicide. He also points out the moral and legal tensions that arise when euthanasia is requested, as well as the different types of death that shape the current landscape.
Finally, the author highlights that LORE offers new options for choosing assisted death, yet raises ethical questions about the role of the medical professional in these cases and the boundaries that the profession faces.
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