La profesión va por dentro

Reflexiones de vida profesional


  • Ana Sobrino López Médica de Familia. Doctora en Medicina. Grupo Comunicación y Salud semFYC. 



Professional life, Clinical practice, Patient-care relationship, Teaching, Life stages


My career has been a mixture of searches, encounters, and misunderstandings, visualising it as a river that reaches a calm sea. During my time as a medical student, I felt small in front of the wise professors and the paternalistic teaching of the time. The student protests of 1975 led us to create a "parallel university" that fostered teamwork and proactivity. As a young doctor, I faced the dissonance between what I had learned and the reality of the patients, which led me to study not only clinical aspects but also communication and emotions. My mother's illness and her early death influenced my vocation towards Family Medicine and my determination to improve the relationship with patients. 

Personal and professional experiences as a rural doctor, including losses and mistakes, taught me the importance of empathy and honesty. Consequently, when I assumed the Coordination of the Teaching Unit and the role of MIR tutor, I understood the suffering of young doctors and found in the Communication and Health group a space for professional and personal growth that provided me with resources to help them. During retirement, I faced illnesses that made me value my life and career even more. At the end of this journey, I look back with gratitude and amazement at the path travelled and the support of colleagues, family, and society in general. 


Epstein RM. Estar presente. Mindfulness, medicina y calidad humana. Barcelona: Kairós; 2018.

Covey S. 7 hábitos para gente altamente efectiva. Buenos Aires: Paidós; 1989.

Cassell EJ. The nature of suffering and the goals of medicine. N Engl J Med. 1982; 306(11): 639-45.

Marsh H. Al final, asuntos de vida o muerte. Barcelona: Salamandra; 2023.

Setiya K. La vida es dura. Filosofía para encontrar el camino. Barcelona: Paidós; 2022.



How to Cite

Sobrino López, A. (2024). La profesión va por dentro: Reflexiones de vida profesional. Prueba, 4(1), 59–70.



Arte, salud y sociedad