Migrant doctors


  • Adriana Serna Lozano Médica. Especialista en Cirugía General y en Cirugía de Tórax. Escritora de la novela “Sin Miedo a la Sangre”




Migrant Doctors is a text narrated from the experience of migration from Colombia to Spain, seen through the eyes of a medical professional. It is an exercise in interpreting the reality of the medical profession in both countries, analyzing their social, academic, work-related, and cultural contrasts, as well as the impact on both the personal and familial spheres of the migrant doctor, and on the overall dynamics of the receiving country (Spain). To frame these reflections, we have gathered some global data on migration and analysed economic and social aspects that have facilitated a significant emigration of Colombians for which data is available. While international mobility is a topic with countless facets, this document focuses on the reality faced by non-EU doctors seeking to practice in Spanish territory. The non-EU doctor faces, on one hand, a regulatory universe that must be understood, and furthermore, must comprehend the society they wish to join. The aspirations of migrant doctors and the urgent needs for more hands to attend to the healthcare needs of the Spanish population are amidst the interests of the government and its officials, as well as a complex network of agencies and lawyers, who endeavor to facilitate the practice of the profession beyond borders.


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Organización para la Cooperación y el Desarrollo Económicos (OECD). Better Life Index [Internet]. Disponible en: https://www.oecdbetterlifeindex.org/es

Acero M. Las facultades de Medicina están listas a formar los médicos que Colombia necesita [Internet]. Epicrisis; 2023. Disponible en: https://epicrisis.org/2023/02/28/las -facultades-de-medicina-estan-listas-a-formar-los-medicos-que-colombia-necesita/

Morales C. Estudio revela que el 49% de los colombianos quiere migrar por falta de oportunidades [Internet]. AS Colombia; 2023. Disponible en: https://colombia.as.com/actualidad/estudio-revela-que-el-49-de-los-colombianos-quiere-migrar-por-falta-de-oportunidades-n/

Sáenz H. Gracias a la llegada de los colombianos España logró récord de población: ahora son más de 48 millones [Internet]. Infobae; 2023. Disponible en: https://www.infobae.com/colombia/2023/08/08/los-colombianos-lideran-lista-de-inmigrantes-en-espana-con-mas-de-37000-llegadas/

Franco L. La clase media colombiana se enamora de España [Internet]. El Confidencial; 2023. Disponible en: https://www.elconfidencial.com/espana/2023-08-12/colombianos-espana_3716543/

Fernández Marugán F. La contribución de la inmigración a la economía española. Volumen II del Informe Anual 2019 del Defensor del Pueblo [Internet]. Madrid: 2020. Disponible en: https://www.defensordelpueblo.es/wpcontent/uploads/2020/05/II_Estudios_documentos_de_trabajo_2019.p



How to Cite

Serna Lozano, A. (2024). Migrant doctors. Prueba, 3(3), 31–51. https://doi.org/10.30860/0103



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