La contribución de los humanistas en la formación médica: Marañón, Ortega y Unamuno (Parte I)




Clinical Practice, Reflective Practice, Humanism, Ortega, Marañón, Unamuno, Acceptance, Empathy, Formative Process


There is a duality between medicine considered as science or as art; in this first article -of a series of two- highlights the importance of balancing both aspects, as the essence of healthcare depends on it. Knowing how to care is like a two-sided coin, where science and art must hold equal value to have social legitimacy. Unfortunately, increasing technification leads us to neglect the view of the patient as a whole, and not just as a set of symptoms. This holistic vision should translate into balanced updating between technical training and understanding the patient as a personal and social reality. However, the tendency to prioritize research over professional training causes frustration and burnout because clinical practice is the acceptance and transformation of human suffering. The University should initiate this formative process, promoting culture and humanism. Ortega, Marañón, and Unamuno illuminate this transition towards a more empathetic and reflective clinical practice.


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How to Cite

González Blasco, P. (2024). La contribución de los humanistas en la formación médica: Marañón, Ortega y Unamuno (Parte I). Prueba, 3(3), 52–70.



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