Suicide prevention. A health perspective. From the individual to the collective


  • José Luis Bimbela Pedrola Doctor en Psicología. Psicólogo Salubrista. Profesor asociado Escuela Andaluza de Salud Pública. Editor de “El Blog de Bimbela”.



Prevention, Suicide, Self-harm, Physical health, Emotional health, Social health, Spiritual health, Ethical health


Suicide challenges me individually and collectively. Personally and professionally. Emotionally and ethically. Physically and socially. And, of course, spiritually. And I am delighted that public health (to which nothing human is alien) is already implementing all kinds of actions aimed at achieving effective and sustainable prevention in a subject that was taboo until very recently.

Just as tackling the HIV/AIDS pandemic with courage and determination at the time allowed improvements to be made to public health in Spain that were eventually consolidated, such as the active role of patients and families (both in individual consultations and in educational interventions through patients' schools); if the issue of suicide is tackled with courage and determination, a new society can be born. Better and healthier. Ethically, physically, emotionally, socially and spiritually.

All of which I will discuss in this article. From theory and from practice. With scientific evidence and with life experiences. With sayings and with facts. With reflection and with intuition. With a lot of love and with some humour.


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How to Cite

Bimbela Pedrola, J. L. (2023). Suicide prevention. A health perspective. From the individual to the collective. Prueba, 3(2), 1–23.



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