La meritocracia a examen


  • francisco borrell carrió director Folia Humanística



Inequality, Populism, Meritocracy, Sandel, Rendueles


What is the origin of the burgeoning populism? Inequality?, the fear of losing the privileges of the
ruling classes?, the anger of the most disadvantaged at the ineffectiveness of the social
democratic parties? In this article we will review these issues through the prism of Rawls's Theory
of Justice. We are living a boom in inequality, but not just any inequality: an inequality in which
the favoured people look down on the less favoured, and do not hesitate to tell them: “it is my merit to be where I am, if you want to progress you just have to make an effort as I have done ”. This meritocratic arrogance deserves an answer, for example, eliminating or decreasing the value of merit. But decreasing it excessively can lead to mediocre societies, without sufficient capacity for innovation. So, to what extent to allow inequality? Up to point “D” of Rawls, the one in which this inequality ceases to have a positive return for the most disadvantaged. This “D” point should not be crossed, since in such a case the moral damage caused by the tyranny of merit can have serious effects on social cohesion.


-Young M. The Rise of the Meritocracy (1870-2033): An Essay on Education and Equality

(1958). (London: Thames and Hudson, 1958.

Accesible en:

- Young M. ¡Abajo la meritocracia! The Guardian, Friday 29 Jun 2001

Accesible en:

Traducción al español accesible en:

- Markovits D.The Meritocracy Trap. Penguin Press. London 2019.

-Sandel Michael J. La tiranía del mérito. Debate. Bcn, 2020.

-Rendueles C. Contra la igualdad de oportunidades. Seix y Barral. Barna 2020.

- Hayeck FA. Los fundamentos de la libertad. Unión Editorial. Madrid 2008.

Accesible en versión original (en inglés) en:

- Rawls, A theory of Justice, The Belknap Press of Harward University Press. Cambridge,

Massachusetts, 1979.

- Picketty, T., El Capital en el siglo XXI, FCE México DF, 2014.

- Sloterdijk, P. Ira y tiempo, Siruela, Madrid, 2010.

- Harari, Y., Sandel, M., Los dilemas de un mundo que colapsa, 29 Nov. 2020.

Accesible en:

- Hernando P. Es el autor de este segundo diálogo.



How to Cite

borrell carrió, francisco. (2021). La meritocracia a examen. Prueba, 2(6), 24–53.



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