Todos poseemos inteligencia musical


  • Esteve Molero músico



Musical intelligence, Multiple Intelligences, Euritmia, Musical Coaching.


According to H. Gardner's Theory of Multiple Intelligences, musical intelligence is an innate capacity of any human being. This article presents and defines this type of intelligence and compares it with the others, to show their interactions. It also points out that musical abilities are more transversal than commonly perceived for people without musical education. Finally the article argues some  advantages of a musical approach for the personal growth and balance. The author shares his personal knowledge and experiences as a musician, communicator and coach, and experiences of internationally recognized artists, as well.


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SUZUKI, Shinichi. Educados con amor. Alfred Publishing. Los Angeles, 2004.
JONES, Quincy. Q: The autobiograhpy of Quincy Jones. Hodder & Stoughton. Londres, 2001.
GUARDIET, Montserrat. El teatre líric de l’eixample (1881 – 1900). Pòrtic. Barcelona, 2006.
HART, Mickey. Planet Drum. HarperCollins. San Francisco, 1991.
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MOLERO, Esteve. Que la música amanse a las fieras. Uno. Albacete, 2018.
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How to Cite

Molero , E. . (2020). Todos poseemos inteligencia musical. Prueba, 2(2), 36–60.



Arte, salud y sociedad