Letamendi: the basis of his science and the cause of his discredit


  • Emilio Cervantes IRNASA-CSIC




José de Letamendi has received a varied treatment throughout history with negative criticism from Pío Baroja, Gregorio Marañón and Pedro Laín Entralgo. Given the relevance of the second and his friendship with Baroja, some of the negative criticism has its origin in his personal relationship with Baroja, of whom Letamendi was a professor and whom he suspended at the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Madrid. But Letamendi was a scholar and his extensive scientific work had an explicit foundation. Letamendi's religious basis and his deep knowledge of the Philosophy of Science are shown in the opening speech of the academic year 1878-1879 at the University of Barcelona.  Contrary to what Baroja said, Letamendi had very firm ideas about science that, in today's scientific panorama, need to be highlighted along with the main characteristics of his scientific mentality.


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How to Cite

Cervantes, E. (2020). Letamendi: the basis of his science and the cause of his discredit. Prueba, 2(2), 36–60. https://doi.org/10.30860/0066



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