Preventions of the promoting cooperative against the nullity of the urban plan and other legal insecurity factors



sale, estate, property, nullity, urban planning, risk, legal uncertainty


The promoter activity of cooperative societies is subject to a high level of risk due to the legal insecurity derived from the weakness of the Urban Planning, subject to continuous threats of nullity. This and other factors require a forecast of legal risks that must be analyzed in the corresponding ‘due diligence’ to reduce the consequences of those threats. This chapter tries to reflect the
essential aspects to be valued in the acquisition of a property with the intention of promoting its construction by cooperative societies


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How to Cite

Soria Martínez, G. (2023). Preventions of the promoting cooperative against the nullity of the urban plan and other legal insecurity factors. Revista De Derecho Urbanístico Y Medio Ambiente, 54(339), 53–81. Retrieved from

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