
  • Francesc Borrell -Carrió Profesor titular Facultad Medicina Universitat de Barcelona; Grupo Comunicación y Salud; miembro del Comité Bioètica de Catalunya.



music benefits, music learning, creativity


The benefits of music are remarkable, both emotionally (listening to music), and cognitively
(playing an instrument). In this article we address some barriers to the study of music, we warn of
some difficulties in learning the musical language, and we recommend not only interpreting music,
but improvising and composing small melodies. In this sense, we recommend the reader to
cultivate their occurrences, to develop their creativity; we suggest some strategies to educate their
musical ear, choose an instrument and enter this endless activity, with no other aim than
cultivating her artistic sensitivity.

Author Biography

Francesc Borrell -Carrió, Profesor titular Facultad Medicina Universitat de Barcelona; Grupo Comunicación y Salud; miembro del Comité Bioètica de Catalunya.

Profesor titular Facultad Medicina Universitat de Barcelona; Grupo Comunicación y Salud; miembro del Comité Bioètica de Catalunya. Medicina Familiar y Comunitaria. Director del Boletín Iatrós y co-director de Folia Humanística.


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How to Cite

Borrell -Carrió, F. (2022). LA MÚSICA TRANSFORMA NUESTRAS VIDAS. Prueba, 2(7).



Arte, salud y sociedad