The sustainable city. A critique of the «degrowth-sustainability» oxymoron



Degrowth, sustainability, sustainable development, smart growth


For decades, the proposal of degrowth as a formula for sustainability has been spreading.This assertion aligns with an anti-capitalist ideology that incurs serious contradictions and represents a utopia that does not offer a promising perspective for humanity either. The city, as a livable space, requires certain environmental standards and services that must be financed. Reducing pollution, efficiently managing waste, avoiding overcrowding, congestion and other degrading aspects of citizens’ quality of life constitutes a universal challenge that will not be successfully addressed through impoverishment. Confusing wealth or growth with production is a mistake, as was the wild capitalism of the 19th century, but assuming that reducing productive activity will not generate poverty and that there is no room for efficiency in the management of resources is also a mistake. The city needs economic activity
and there will be none without value generation. The improvement in the quality of products and services is also a form of growth.


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How to Cite

Soria Martínez, G. (2023). The sustainable city. A critique of the «degrowth-sustainability» oxymoron. Revista De Derecho Urbanístico Y Medio Ambiente, 57(364), 21–36. Retrieved from

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