Another point of view: a feminine Linguistic Historiography in Brazil (1960-1990)


  • Cristina Altman Universidade de São Paulo
  • Julia Lourenço Universidade de São Paulo



Linguistic historiography, Women in science, Brazilian Linguistics


This research deals with the point of view of women linguists, at the time of the emergence of Linguistics in the country as an autonomous discipline, organized and institutionalized in our Faculties of Languages and Litterature. This places us squarely between 1960 and 1990. In order to outline the research hypotheses, this text attempts to establish a dialogue between the external data - the context of scientific production - and the internal data - the orientation and the cut of the research, for example - according to the proposal of Linguistic Historiography. This methodology initiates the tracing of similarities and differences between the texts of the male writers and the texts of the female writers of each period. One possibility of interpreting the data lies in the division of the world of knowledge between "theoretical and abstract" male subjects and "more concrete" female subjects: an approach that is reproduced by linguists "within" the field of language sciences.


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How to Cite

Altman, C., & Lourenço, J. (2023). Another point of view: a feminine Linguistic Historiography in Brazil (1960-1990). Boletín De La Sociedad Española De Historiografía Lingüística, (16), 231–249.


