Corpus and digital tools for the study of Spanish linguistic historiography




Digital Humanities, BiTe_Corpus, Corpus Linguistics, Hispanic Linguistic Historiography, Metahistoriography


This article is articulated in the field of Digital Humanities, understood as an emerging and interdisciplinary area in which humanistic disciplines and digital technologies converge. The aim is to propose a way of approaching the study of Hispanic linguistic historiography through certain digital tools to extract new theoretical objects that can be of historiographic and metahistoriographic reflection. To this end, using tools such as Voyant Tools, Gephi or other more conventional tools such as Microsoft Excel, it will be carried out some meta-analyses based on the so-called BiTe_Corpus (Battaner & Herranz-Llácer & Segovia 2021), which contains the summaries of the Bibliografía temática de historiografía lingüística española: fuentes secundarias (Esparza et al. 2008). After the description of the corpus and the presentation of different analyses, we will reflect on the potential for the investigation of these new objects of study offered by these digital tools and their possibilities in historiographical research.


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How to Cite

Battaner Moro, E., Herranz Llácer, C. V., & Segovia Gordillo, A. (2023). Corpus and digital tools for the study of Spanish linguistic historiography. Boletín De La Sociedad Española De Historiografía Lingüística, (16), 11–39.


