The irregular participles and the double participles in Spanish grammars from Nebrija (1492) to Sobrino (1697)


  • Alejandro Díaz Villalba



Past participle, irregular participle, double participles, Spanish grammar, list, exception, irregularity, Spanish morphology, 15th century, 16th century, 17th century, series of texts.


This work examines the morphology of the past participle in a textual series of thirty-five grammars of Spanish during the first two centuries of grammatization (1492-1697). Three issues are dealt with: the formation of regular participles, the presentation of irregular participles and the possibility for some verbs to have two different participles. The survey shows the relative stability and some aspects of deepening and evolution of the first two questions, while the treatment of the double participles is only an emerging issue in this period. The study of these aspects in the texts is articulated with questions that have to do with characteristics of grammar science (or technique) taken as object: discursive formulation, location of an issue in grammars, terminology and organization's forms of knowledge (lists and tables).


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How to Cite

Díaz Villalba, A. (2019). The irregular participles and the double participles in Spanish grammars from Nebrija (1492) to Sobrino (1697). Boletín De La Sociedad Española De Historiografía Lingüística, (13), 207–234.


