To a history of the grammatical concept of rheme


  • Ariel Laurencio Tacoronte Universidad de Florencia



Rheme; proposition; appositum; rhematic; focus.


The concept of rheme, being one of the axes around which communication revolves, represents the proposition of a unit of information in various linguistic streams, on from the structuralist school of Prague. Our point of interest here will be to draw a historical sketch of this term, by considering three major milestones that mark its history: its use in the analyses of Greek classical philosophy and logic, in the analyses of medieval linguistic speculation, and its rediscovery in the nineteenth century by German linguistics until its consolidation as a syntactic grammatical category in the Prague school, as well as the various developments it has subsequently experienced until its stipulation as a strictly grammatical category in the so-called metaoperational theory. In particular, we will focus on how it has been applied to Spanish within the framework of different theories.


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How to Cite

Laurencio Tacoronte, A. (2019). To a history of the grammatical concept of rheme. Boletín De La Sociedad Española De Historiografía Lingüística, (13), 55–77.


