Serie textual y fuentes del Handbook of Biolinguistics (1962[1950]) de Meader y Muyskens: estudio de sus ideas "(bio)lingüísticas"


  • Juan Miguel González Jiménez Departamento de Ciencias del Lenguaje - Facultad de Filosofía y Letras - Universidad de Córdoba



Biolingüística, Meader y Muyskens, Chomsky, series textuales, canon.


Biolinguistics, an interdisciplinary scientific orientation that studies the linguistic faculty from a biological point of view, is indissolubly linked to the figures of Chomsky, Lenneberg, and PiattelliPalmarini, who laid its epistemological, theoretical and methodological foundations. However, the reference to Handbook of Biolinguistics (1962 [1950]) is reduced to a simple terminological coincidence due to the fact that it was a work prior to the "cognitive revolution" (Martins and Boeckx, 2016). Our purpose in this research is to assess the relevance of the inclusion of this work within the history of biolinguistics through a study of its linguistic and biolinguistic postulates, and of the sources used by the authors. From a methodological point of view, we use the theory of textual series (Haβler 2002 and Zamorano Aguilar 2013) and the theory of canon (Zamorano Aguilar 2009 and 2010) to categorize the connections of the text with its sources and to evaluate its inclusion in the series of the constitution of biolinguistics.


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Fuentes primarias

Meader, C. & Muyskens, J. 1962 [1950]. The Handbook of Biolinguistics. Toledo (EE. UU): Herbert C. Weller.

Fuentes secundarias

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How to Cite

González Jiménez, J. M. (2020). Serie textual y fuentes del Handbook of Biolinguistics (1962[1950]) de Meader y Muyskens: estudio de sus ideas "(bio)lingüísticas". Boletín De La Sociedad Española De Historiografía Lingüística, (14), 93–116.


