The liability of the Administration derived from the delay in the completion of the urban development programs
A new financial product in favor of homeowners with the Municipality as universal insurer
Crisis in the real estate sector, difficulties in urban development management, delays in the completion of urbanisation works, financial compensation, financial responsibility of the municipality, urban development damages.Abstract
More than 200 Urban Development Action Programmes pending completion since time immemorial are languishing in Spain, Programmes that to date have not been rescued, suspended or resolved.
The article analyses a new assumption of patrimonial liability of an urban planning nature derived from the delay and the delay in the execution of these Urban Development Action Programmes that are still in force today.
The crisis in which all these action units have entered offers us a new financial product, incomparable and within everyone's reach, which is none other than the patrimonial liability of the Town Councils for these delays in the completion of the Urban Development Programmes.
The dynamic into which the most recent Jurisprudence has entered is clear and decisive and begins to recognise a kind of objective and direct liability. The basis of the concept of compensation can be either the principal of the urbanisation charges paid or the value of the resulting properties to which the property would be entitled if the Urban Development Programme had been carried out on time.
In the end, it is a financial product without any risk for the property, as it seems that the City Council is always liable as the true universal insurer.
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