They will not move us! The Supreme Court’s support of the extension of concessions for uses not in accordance with the Coastal Law



Concessions, maritime coasts, extension


Parliamentary Act 2/2013 allowed the extension of all concessions granted before its entry into force, including the compensatory concessions of the First Transitory of the 1988 Coastal Act. STC 233/2015 supported the constitutionality of the extension, pointing out «it can only affect activities or facilities that, due to their nature, cannot have another location (article 32 LC)». However,
the Supreme Court, relying on the formalism that this interpretative criterion was not carried into the decision and in the equivalence of the concessions referred to in Transitory Provision Four to the compensatory concessions referred to in Transitory One, has departed from that constitutional doctrine, admitting the extension of concessions contrary to article 32 of the LC. A dissenting opinion to these decisions has been formulated.


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How to Cite

Menéndez Rexach, Ángel. (2024). They will not move us! The Supreme Court’s support of the extension of concessions for uses not in accordance with the Coastal Law. Revista De Derecho Urbanístico Y Medio Ambiente, 58(367), 19–56. Retrieved from