Urban planning and university campus.

A perspective in times of smart cities between the rehabilitation of historical buildings and the provision of online services in an urban area



Urban planning, universities, colleges, urban centers, campus, design, smart cities, territory, facilities, university centers, connectivity, parking, land use, residential and housing


The present work address the various formulas for the location of universities in their immediate surroundings, starting from the evolution of univesity centers from urban collages to peripheral campuses and current telematic universities. In addition to the history from the Middle Ages to the present day, the lines of the "urban" future of the universities are proposed, the models of incardination of the universities on the territory and theis connection with the models of smart cities are planned, making a review of this model of cities and their influence on university facilities. Finally, and before addressing the conclusions, the use of university environments for non-strictly educational uses is addressed, as is the specific case of residential.


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How to Cite

García Rubio, F. (2024). Urban planning and university campus.: A perspective in times of smart cities between the rehabilitation of historical buildings and the provision of online services in an urban area. Revista De Derecho Urbanístico Y Medio Ambiente, 55(343), 25–79. Retrieved from https://revista.proeditio.com/rdu/article/view/6533