Smart housing adapted to health emergency: some preliminary ideas, chalenges and legal proposals for the post COVID 19 society



Artificial intelligence, Smart homes, Emergency, Smart city


This paper reflects some ideas which integrates a research taking place at Malaga University to tackle and challenge the new reality coming with the need to adapt the housing market to the health emergency as a result of the COVID 19 crisis. In this context we reflect on the challenges occurred, and to come in housing policy according to the existing regulation and the aspect considered
relevant in order to propose a new typology of housing which we can call Smart Housing adapted to Health Emergency (SHE), which allows to answer the need of adequate housing and housing with dignity. Besides, the model proposed is rooted in the understanding of housing as a key element to prevent the spread of the virus, whereas providing a safe place to recover and isolate from the common areas preventing social contact. This is specially the case when patients are expected to recover at home if they do not need hospitalization. The new typology takes into account also social vulnerability and the promotion of housing with these characteristics to increase affordability in order to achieve sustainability parameters and to prevent the negative effects of climate change. These are just preliminary findings of a broader research taking place within the framework of VIDA.ES, which results expect to be published in a broader format soon.


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How to Cite

Gómez Jiménez, M. L. (2023). Smart housing adapted to health emergency: some preliminary ideas, chalenges and legal proposals for the post COVID 19 society. Revista De Derecho Urbanístico Y Medio Ambiente, 54(337-338), 305–350. Retrieved from