The deployment of digitalization: instruments for the connected city


  • José Alberto España Pérez Contratado predoctoral en la Universidad de Málaga


telecommunications, town planning, spatial planning, connected city, connectivity


The installation of telecommunications networks in the physical space is essential for the approaches of the new connected city to be accessible to all. However, it is not a simple task, starting with the different Administrations with competences that affect the matter, without prejudice to the fact that telecommunications are reserved exclusively to the competence of the State. Thus, this
article analyzes current strategies, both European and internal, in the deployment of telecommunications infrastructures and the embodiment of this type of facilities in urban planning and spatial planning, taking the Andalusian model as a reference; to address the need to promote the connection to electronic communications networks of the entire population.


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How to Cite

España Pérez, J. A. (2023). The deployment of digitalization: instruments for the connected city. Revista De Derecho Urbanístico Y Medio Ambiente, 55(347), 81–128. Retrieved from