Valuation barriers and methodology proposal for the action of urban integrated regeneration and renewal intervention



urban tissue, valuations, action ending, comparison and weighing


The definition and delimitation of the urban integrated regeneration and renewal intervention defined by the National Land Law (TRLSR) stands on two instruments, the urban economic viability and the share of benefits and burdens. As general regulation actions, it is necessary to determine the value of the goods included and rights affected. The current Valuation Regulation of year 2012 (Real Decreto 1492/2012, RVal) is prior to the National Law 8/2013 (L3R) and did not contemplate any reference to the singularities that were coming to it in relation to the actions in the existing city, even despite the indications of the enforced previous
legislative acts. Therefore, the following article explains the barriers to set a valuation system that allows to define this type of actions and makes a methodology proposal to value buildings and assets on the terms defined in the article 40.1 of the TRLSR, therefore once the action is completed by sharing benefits and burdens, but under the considerations of the urban integrated regeneration and renewal intervention, therefore including social, economic and environmental measures.


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How to Cite

Cerezo Ibarrondo, Álvaro. (2023). Valuation barriers and methodology proposal for the action of urban integrated regeneration and renewal intervention. Revista De Derecho Urbanístico Y Medio Ambiente, 55(349), 67–93. Retrieved from