Intersubjective administrative relations on urban planning. Between agreement and confrontation



Relations, administrations, urban policies, territory, coordination, collaboration cooperation, competition, plans, commissions, conferences, territorial planning, local entities, autonomous communities, techniques, agreement


The present work addresses the existence of an urban reality and problems that exceed the competences and capacities of the municipalities, therefore, in development of the determinations of art 103.1 and 137 of the EC, relationships are articulated within the framework of the competences of the different administrative entities, which are analyzed under the prisms of coordination, cooperation, and collaboration, in a multilevel governance framework sponsored by the European Union. Thus, the different institutional formulas are analyzed from an administrative legal prism, both from urban planning and from territorial public policies, to channel agreements or express conflicts.


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How to Cite

García Rubio, F. (2023). Intersubjective administrative relations on urban planning. Between agreement and confrontation. Revista De Derecho Urbanístico Y Medio Ambiente, 55(350), 19–79. Retrieved from