The legal-administrative regime of the urban landscape. Reflections of state and regional law.


  • Fernando García Rubio Profesor titular de derecho administrativo Técnico de administración general del Ayuntamiento de Madrid Profesor investigador CEDAT


Landscape, urban, aesthetics, historical heritage, urbanism, planning, municipalities, direct application regulations, ordinances, sectoral legislation


The present work deals with the characteristics of the urban landscape and its protection formulas based on the concept of aesthetics, Administrative Law and specifically in the urban field, the general regulation of the landscape both in the European Convention, the jurisprudence, as in the doctrine, and the Basic and supplementary state law as well as the applicable regional law, to subsequently analyze the determinations for the protection of said landscape, especially by local corporations


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How to Cite

García Rubio, F. (2022). The legal-administrative regime of the urban landscape. Reflections of state and regional law. Revista De Derecho Urbanístico Y Medio Ambiente, 56(352), 19–59. Retrieved from