The formation of the urban and territorial simplex: flexibility and simplification in the law of the generalitat on spatial planning, urban planning and landscape



Simplification, planning, urban management, green belt land, licenses, projects of regional interest.


Decree Law 7/2024, of 9 July, of the Consell, on Administrative Simplification of the Generalitat, responds to the need to develop productive activities in a changing environment through a series of measures of administrative simplification and improvement of the quality of regulation, included in an omnibus decree. This article deals with the main reforms in the field of urban and regional planning in the Valencian Community, which focus on the streamlining of the procedure for planning instruments and the incorporation of the figure of projects of regional interest.


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How to Cite

CANTÓ LÓPEZ, M. T. (2024). The formation of the urban and territorial simplex: flexibility and simplification in the law of the generalitat on spatial planning, urban planning and landscape. Revista De Derecho Urbanístico Y Medio Ambiente, 53(373), 81–144. Retrieved from