Rational occupation of the land

Setting for the plan binding thresholds regarding the growth of land to occupy for residential use and economic activities through the application of a territorial planning document: the therritorial strategy of the Valencian Community. The autonomous administrative organization for its application. A recent Experience


  • JUAN ENRIQUE SERRANO LÓPEZ Abogado urbanista.


The application of the Territorial Strategy of the Valencian Community, of its guidelines that set and assign the growth thresholds of the populations by the general urban plans, has recently been controversial and has generated
a conflict of jurisdiction in the relationship of the Generalitat Valenciana with the City Councils and others administrative bodies dependent on it. In this study related to occupation rational land use, it is critically raised the scope
of territorial planning instruments, the undelimited with precision distribution of powers between the different bodies of the autonomous Administration, and
the technique used to quantify the expansion of the populations by the Territorial Strategy of the Valencian Community consisting of a mathematical formula
that has been given normative value.


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How to Cite

SERRANO LÓPEZ, J. E. (2024). Rational occupation of the land: Setting for the plan binding thresholds regarding the growth of land to occupy for residential use and economic activities through the application of a territorial planning document: the therritorial strategy of the Valencian Community. The autonomous administrative organization for its application. A recent Experience. Revista De Derecho Urbanístico Y Medio Ambiente, 58(369), 75–135. Retrieved from https://revista.proeditio.com/rdu/article/view/6939