The configuration of the proposed delimitation of urban transformation actions in the Andalusian Law 7/2021 and the pretension of its regulation to predetermine the contents of the urban development plan


  • SEBASTIÁN OLMEDO PÉREZ Abogado urbanista de Territorio y Ciudad S.L.P


Urbanism, transformation action, planning instrument, strategic environmental assessment.


The Law 7/2021 of 1st December, on the promotion of sustainability of the
Andalusian territory (LISTA) is the new regional law on urban and regional
planning. One of the great novelties of Law 7/2021, in its effort to make the
general planning instruments and its development forecasts more flexible, is
the possibility that the urban transformation actions (ATU) are not determined
in the instrument that establishes the general planning or in the main detailed
planning instrument on urban land, but that their identification and scope can
be determined later. This paper analyses the regulation made by LISTA and
its regulatory development on the delimitation of transformation actions and
its approval process and the impact that the planning bases incorporated in
the preliminary delimitation proposal will have on the subsequent instrument
that establishes the detailed planning. The regulatory development is compared
with the contents of the regional Law 7/2021 and with the European Directive
2001/42/EC on environmental assessment.


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How to Cite

OLMEDO PÉREZ, S. (2024). The configuration of the proposed delimitation of urban transformation actions in the Andalusian Law 7/2021 and the pretension of its regulation to predetermine the contents of the urban development plan. Revista De Derecho Urbanístico Y Medio Ambiente, 58(369), 19–74. Retrieved from