The establishment of land reserves for the construction of public protection housing on consolidated urban land an its effects. The case of Catalonia



Urban planning, housing, land reserves, city, land.


The right to housing, established in article 47 of the Constitution, has been one of the great forgotten of the Social and Democratic State of Law. The shortage of public housing in our country, together with the high demand of the population, has forced the public powers to adopt measures to increase the public housing stock.
In the case of Catalonia, one of the measures approved has been at the establishment of land reserves on consolidated urban land when, traditionally, these reserves have been set on other types of land. In this work we will see the origin and characteristics, as well as the effects that the application of these reserves has generated in the matter.


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How to Cite

Bastúz Ruiz, B. (2024). The establishment of land reserves for the construction of public protection housing on consolidated urban land an its effects. The case of Catalonia. Revista De Derecho Urbanístico Y Medio Ambiente, 58(367), 57–114. Retrieved from