Legal regime of protected housing in the state housing law



Protected housing; Law for the right to housing; social housing; duration of the legal protected housing regime; disqualification from protected housing.


The legal regime of protected housing included in Law 12/2023, of May 24, for the right to housing, is analyzed. It is debated whether the principles that protected housing must comply with and that are included in the State Law are mandatory for the autonomous communities or can be displaced by the regional legislator. The principles that govern the legal regime of protected housing are studied, from their destination, to the requirements of the successful bidders, through the duration of the legal regime of protected


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How to Cite

Iglesias González, F. (2024). Legal regime of protected housing in the state housing law. Revista De Derecho Urbanístico Y Medio Ambiente, 57(365-366), 53–96. Retrieved from