University social responsibility, campus and smart cities.

Collaboration between disciplines and between institutions as basic elements for a smart and sustainable city



Smart campus, smart city, social responsibility, university, crossdepartmental collaboration


In the smart city environment, university campuses must assume a leading role, due to the position of the university as a knowledge management institution and owner of a good part of the scientific potential of modern society. We examine here in the first place the difficulties that the Spanish university institution intself faces when exercising its role as a major leader in the application of technological advances for its best contribution to the intelligent community and the assumption of one of its main function, university social responsability. We also stress the need to establish stable relationships of permanent collaboration and cooperation between the different actors called to build smart cities. On the one hand, we expose the need for joint work within the campuses between the diffrerent scientific branches, as a wayto generate synergies that enable truly intelligent campuses to exist. On the other hand, the same need for cooperation is essential between the different institutions representing the social and business sectors must join efforts to ensure that the smart city, campus and community give shelter to an inclusive, accesible and cohesive society.


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How to Cite

Lladó Martínez, A. (2024). University social responsibility, campus and smart cities.: Collaboration between disciplines and between institutions as basic elements for a smart and sustainable city. Revista De Derecho Urbanístico Y Medio Ambiente, 55(343), 81–115. Retrieved from