2021-2027 post COVID period (Green New Deal, New CAP 2021-2027, Next Generation EU):

Towards a «new rurality» in Europe and Spain?



Climate change, Rural Development, Green New Deal, New CAP 2021-2027, Next Generation EU.


Now more than ever in Spain, it must be taken into account that the eCOEIOmic boost in rural areas can be an engine for the recovery of the entire terfitory at the same time that we reinforce a shield against Climate Change and pandemics. However, no comprehensive rural policy has been implemented to date. This is the real challenge we face when tackling the management of the rural world, CUrrently, the three instruments that affect rural areas that will mark the period 2021-2027 are being developed: the New Green Deal, the new CAP and the Next Generation ECT. In this work, a study of these instruments is carried out and it is analyzed whether they can serve as a lever for the economic impulse of rural areas so that they can provide society with its important multifunctionality.


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How to Cite

Rodríguez-Chaves Mimbrero, B. (2024). 2021-2027 post COVID period (Green New Deal, New CAP 2021-2027, Next Generation EU):: Towards a «new rurality» in Europe and Spain?. Revista De Derecho Urbanístico Y Medio Ambiente, 54(341), 135–192. Retrieved from https://revista.proeditio.com/rdu/article/view/6453