The additional use. Virtues and utilities of an innovative provision of urban management.


  • Gerardo Rover Fernández Fernández Arquitecto


Spanish Urban System, Urban Exploitation, Additional Exploitation, Distribution of Burdens and Benefits, Land Speculation., Spanish Urban System, Urban Exploitation, Additional Exploitation, Distribution of Burdens and Benefits, Land Speculation


The incorporation to the instrumental heritage that the recent Valencian
urban legislation has provided for the management of Urban-Urbanized land   (consolidated city) with the incorporation of a new complementary instrument
called Additional Exploitation, has come to facilitate and solve solvent some
insufficiencies that still presented the positive legal-urban planning «toolbox»
that the current urban planning legislation offers us.
This Article addresses the pedagogical explanation of its conceptual and
practical content.


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How to Cite

Fernández Fernández, G. R. (2023). The additional use. Virtues and utilities of an innovative provision of urban management. Revista De Derecho Urbanístico Y Medio Ambiente, 57(361), 33–64. Retrieved from