Critical comment on the urban planning changes introduced by the Law on urgent measures to promote the economic activity of the Community of Madrid



Urban planning, Endowment actions, Structuring determinations, Special Plans, Collaborating entities, --licenses, Responsible declarations, Inspection, Regional projects, Urban qualifications, Subsidized housing, planning alteration, Transfers of urban use


The innovations introduced in urban planning by the Law of urgent measures
for the promotion of the economic activity of the Community of Madrid
are analyzed. These are relevant regulatory changes that will undoubtedly make
it possible to improve the urban planning tools of Madrid’s urban planning. It
is worth noting the regulation of endowment actions, the possibility of modifying
structuring determinations of general planning through special plans or
the regional regulation of collaborating entities for the processing of licenses
and responsible declarations and inspection. The regulation of regional projects
is also improved, the competence of urban qualifications is attributed to the
town halls, the regulation of land reserves for subsidized housing is completed,
a new regulation of the alteration of plans is established and new regulations
are introduced. transfers of urban use.


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Supporting Agencies
This work has been developed within the framework of the TED2021- 130900B-I00, Urban Climate Regeneration (Reur-climate), financed by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 and by the European Union «NextGenerationEU»/PRTR, whose Principal Investigators are Juan Antonio Chinchilla Peinado and Felipe Iglesias González.



How to Cite

Iglesias González, F. (2023). Critical comment on the urban planning changes introduced by the Law on urgent measures to promote the economic activity of the Community of Madrid. Revista De Derecho Urbanístico Y Medio Ambiente, 57(359), 123–192. Retrieved from