Works, uses and actions exempt from urban license



exempt activities, uses and works, urban planning licenses, right of ownership


There is a whole series of uses, works and activities that can now be carried out by the owner of the real estate property without having to apply for a license, or submit a communication or a responsible declaration. These are actions exempted from a preventive enabling title. Reality has imposed itself and the legal system is obliged to respond to the necessary reduction of administrative burdens on some actions, uses and works carried out by property owners because they are of little importance, of innocuous potential damage to other property or not dangerous at all. The grounds that allow legislators to exempt these activities, uses and works are diverse, this work raises several, including a reinterpretation of the classical doctrine on real estate property law.


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How to Cite

Franco Escobar, S. E. (2023). Works, uses and actions exempt from urban license. Revista De Derecho Urbanístico Y Medio Ambiente, 55(349), 19–65. Retrieved from