The demolition order of ilegal constructions and its suspension in the criminal jurisdiction, and its implication in urban law.



Territory management, urbanism, demolition, reinstatement


In this article we make an analysis of the penal types of the art. 319 CP on the crimes against the territory management and the urbanism. For it, we will do a study on the order of demolition and reinstatement of the physical upset space that has the option to adopt the Judge in a criminal process, as well as on the possibility that this one has of suspending the same order of demolition and reinstatement, introduced by the modification of the CP produced by Act 1/2015, of March 30. All this, indicating the problems of application that this regulation presents.


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How to Cite

Otero López, D. (2022). The demolition order of ilegal constructions and its suspension in the criminal jurisdiction, and its implication in urban law. Revista De Derecho Urbanístico Y Medio Ambiente, 56(352), 133–168. Retrieved from