Provisional or precarious licences in urban scope



Provisional licences, precarious, Urban Planning Law


Although it is the mission and objective of urban planning to anticipate and give stability to what the territorial space defined by it will be in the future, we cannot rule out that this is combined with the provisional nature of certain uses, of a merely temporary or precarious nature, which makes it necessary to reconcile both circumstances. Thus, it is necessary to refer to the legal concept of
precarious, and contextualise it from the point of view of Administrative Law, to subsequently address the granting of provisional or precarious licences in the urban area, explaining their justifying basis, its legal nature, the formal and substantive requirements, and their legal regime, making also reference to the urban regulations of the Autonomous Communities, to appreciate their similarities and differences


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How to Cite

Galicia Mangas , F. J. (2022). Provisional or precarious licences in urban scope. Revista De Derecho Urbanístico Y Medio Ambiente, 56(352), 61–86. Retrieved from