Rustic land: regulatory evolution and growing leadership



rustic land, planning, urbanism, spatial planning


The work analyzes the growing prominence that our legal system has been granting to rustic land, particularized in its planning. This issue is highlighted in a singular way in Extremadura with the inclusion of a new figure in its legislative framework on the matter: the Rustic Land Plans. In this context, two issues of particular interest justify it. In the first place, the novelty represented by the incorporation of new scales in territorial planning as a means for the development of territorial planning instruments, in a way analogous to what takes place in urban planning, the main object of this figure. Second, the uniqueness of the instrument as we are facing a new figure that is halfway between urban planning and territorial planning


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How to Cite

Rando Burgos, E. (2023). Rustic land: regulatory evolution and growing leadership. Revista De Derecho Urbanístico Y Medio Ambiente, 56(353), 155–191. Retrieved from